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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I told you this was going to get intresting..

Its amazing that right when I was about to blog another part...

I fall on this .. and I now have to rethink my blog ... Since I just noticed that our info ... might tie into this..

here it comes.... is a venerable New York based anti-secrecy site that has been publishing since 1999. On Feb 24, 2010, the site was forcibly taken down following its publication Microsoft's "Global Criminal Compliance Handbook", a confidential 22 page booklet designed for police and intelligence services. The guide provides a "menu" of information Microsoft collects on the users of its online services. Microsoft lawyers threatened Cryptome and its "printer", internet hosting provider giant Network Solutions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA was designed to protect the legitimate rights of publishers, not to conceal scandalous internal documents that were never intended for sale. Although the action is a clear abuse of the DMCA, Network Solutions, a company with extensive connections to U.S. intelligence contractors, gagged the site in its entirety. Such actions are a serious problem in the United States, where although in theory the First Amendment protects the freedom of the press, in practice, censorship has been privatized via abuse of the judicial system and corporate patronage networks.

1 comment:

  1. What the bleep bro! Why is Microsoft gathering information on all it's users? Sounds a little scary bro. And why are they trying so hard to silence it. Do they not want it falling into the wrong hands, trying to protect there investment? Yah right! More like covering there own ass! The only good thing to come out of Microsoft is XboX, and even that could use a little help. As for me, I'll continue taking the bite out of Apple:)
