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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

UNLOCKED:The GeoHot Story WIP Update

How would you like to be part of the Unlocked Film to be Released as a 7 Part mini Series...

how Might you ask ? ?

We are looking for footage Of people with there phones Loading Cydia in Every place that you can think of !!

We want it all !!

(NO NUDE PHOTOS!! haha Do I really have to mention that ? This is a Film about Iphones PEOPLE !! )

We want to see All the places that you can think of with your phones running CYDIA !!

Videos Must be no longer then 10 seconds with the message


This is your moment to be a part of internet history and have a chance For your clip to Show up on the final Release of

UNLOCKED" The GeoHot Story!!! and The other YET announced 6 mini films that Will follow in the series!!

please Submit all Content To

With the Subject marked "UNLOCKED:THE MOVIE"

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Honor of Being Vintage

Strapped down into a World that once was vague in comparison to what the limits were once thought to be.

Slowly un tie the knots that have held your head under water for more years then you could stand to Count.

Years of What would be known as lessons learned in time. Have brought Priceless treasures into a gold mine of opportunity.

we are the ones that can save the world with just the most simple of thoughts.

My hands shaped and molded in the eyes of a god that has put in more then enough over time To us all.

i was color blind once but can now describe to you all the shades of color in a rainbow that is always complete in my life.

Take my hands and give them cleaning...

Let me stare into the sun and feel the grace of your powerful ways soak into my body like a cold glass of Water.

i thank You there for I am thanked.

I understand. There for I know.

and I live there for I will win.

There is nothing lost when you always know what you have.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Scary but true

The more of "me" that goes into this iPad the more for the first time in my life fear losing something like this. 64gb's of your life.

I guess it's official keep a close eye on your pad. Ha hehe

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I told you this was going to get intresting..

Its amazing that right when I was about to blog another part...

I fall on this .. and I now have to rethink my blog ... Since I just noticed that our info ... might tie into this..

here it comes.... is a venerable New York based anti-secrecy site that has been publishing since 1999. On Feb 24, 2010, the site was forcibly taken down following its publication Microsoft's "Global Criminal Compliance Handbook", a confidential 22 page booklet designed for police and intelligence services. The guide provides a "menu" of information Microsoft collects on the users of its online services. Microsoft lawyers threatened Cryptome and its "printer", internet hosting provider giant Network Solutions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA was designed to protect the legitimate rights of publishers, not to conceal scandalous internal documents that were never intended for sale. Although the action is a clear abuse of the DMCA, Network Solutions, a company with extensive connections to U.S. intelligence contractors, gagged the site in its entirety. Such actions are a serious problem in the United States, where although in theory the First Amendment protects the freedom of the press, in practice, censorship has been privatized via abuse of the judicial system and corporate patronage networks.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Seen this all before...but that was yesterday....

We can all almost remememeber the First time we set our greedy little eyes on our First Compact Disc (from here on .. "CD")...

The feeling that knowing You were holding the Future in your hand...

Small yet powerful under All that fancy larger packaging....

That amazing "Clear" audio that you never heard before...
The New Shiny player that you had to Buy in order to play this "CD"... we all accepted it... we all embraced it...

But no one Took the time to Ask "what the Hell is this ?"

Sound Familiar ? it should ..

we only Get fed this same Scenario year after year.. and we never stop to ask...

"What the hell is this?"

How cares as long as we are happy with our investment right?

I mean after all thats what it really is ... An investment... an investment into "THE FUTURE!" (cue George Carlin Scary voice)

And So We did ... For the next 10 generations of "Future Investments"

(Pay attention here now ... Cause this is where he (myself) makes the "point")

This was The Worst mistake that Could have ever been made in the history of The "Entertainment" industry (And I use that Term VERY blah-ly).

We open a flood Gate that created the River we are drowning in today.

By not asking... We were never Told .. and There for .. we Had no idea..

We were "impressed" Once and Then Became a money Factory for the big companies that We know today as The giants We have made them.

You would think that in return We would be Treated as Something more then just a "$$$"?

After all This World Is Filled with Living Beings that From what I Have Heard...

Actually Have feelings and shit...
(Sarcasm for the net blind)

The concept of "Customer Support" is Almost as Rare as "getting your moneys worth" in these days and ages.

We have Carried over our popularity Contest into the World Of Electronic Gadgets...and Who is to blame For this ?

No one Really.. Cause there is no point in placing blame when you Can always fix what has been "broken"

The 90's showed us That we could pick From the Available BAZZILION models of computers.. And All would come with something more fancy then the Next..

and there is always that model That you would trade your mom in for but will never be able to afford .. and Each one ..

came FULLY loaded With more garbage trials That would do nothing more then just Slow down your already "under powered" Computer..

While at the same time You would see models that were not even "33mhz" in difference..

and were Priced about 200 dollars more...

(now For that last part in human english...You paid more for nothing really that could be done with a few settings.)

This trend would follow trade with pretty much all the different models and versions of such things as ...

Ipods...laptops...webcams...dvd players...and the list could go on and on.

While we paid top dollar for these electronics.

The production cost would Make you Do back flips like a Dog in heat in the summer night Streets (pretty sexy of me huh?).

but its ok .. we Got what we wanted .. and wow did we ever have a great time ..

With our Clear movies ... our portable music ... our laptops ...

until you fast Foward a year or so later.. and these amazing god like machines are failing left and right ...

how can this be ... Grandma's tv that she got off the titanic before it sank still Works Fine in the kitchen...

but My shinny like my hiknee (SP?) brand new portable mp3 player powered laptop with A billion watts of fluxcompassion stopped working only a year after I bought it ?

Why must something that costs (launch prices) over 400 dollars have to be replaced a few times before you get a "working" one..?

(no worries william.. I wont call you out on this just yet.. ugh...x....360.....rrod....)

The answer is very simple when you look at it ..

Cause we are in the BETA GENERATION...

A Time Where We are the tester for ideas that these companies have In the Race To out due the next..

To them it becomes a world created around the fact that We will be impressed Enough to "invest into the Future".

They Rush there products out with out the same "Field testing research" that we once had before we failed to ask

"What the hell is this?"

And When they fail us.. The Fine print allows them to Take us on a magic egg hunt to Get our moneys worth or Get our money back.

With Return policies becoming more and more like a movie contract. I would not be shocked to Find out that when the next iphone comes out ..

I will need my lawyer present to complete the purchase.. and I could see that being common placed in an apple store setting

My iPad Gets here Saturday .. And the First thing I will ask myself when I open it will be ..

"What the Hell is this?"

(by the Way I want to say I really think steven did an amazing job on this)

This is the internet. Stay as long as you want.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The road to open source, Surrounded By Pirates of the Cyber Sea...

So let break Down what we have blogged so far..

"Open source"

its Choice being made by everyone and not just the company that has produced the Device.

So now that we Know what it is ... what does it matter to you might you say ?

Well lets start from where this all Started from... The iphone.

Seems that with the jailbreak scene and efforts that it has gained a mainstream in the media. but At a certain price.


The one thing that no matter what has also become mainstream. The Word "hack" has now come to be known as meaning "you can play copied,burned games on it" or lets call it by what its better known as "FREE"

Its almost the same feeling as knowing someone that knows someone that can get you a scrambler box in the 80s...

Its the thrill of knowing that your getting alot more with out paying.... its Well how can we put it ... ILLEGAL AND WRONG.

now I beg to differ. If I was not going to watch the the it....anyway... how did they lose Money that they never had to begin with.

This is the first Catch 22 the media and the industries are leading you to believe.

By Saying that EACH person that used pirated software was a lose in sales... is just like giving them the right to make things look DOUBLE bad.

If These companies never had the sale to being with.. how are they losing money.. The RIAA and MPAA have never and will never have an ACCURATE way to determine how much they lose to piracy each year.

Its a guess. and yours is as good as mine..

now dont get me wrong here. I am in no way saying that you should go out and pirate Everything in the world. but The only way to See if you like something is if you try it first.

But lets not kid our selfs here.. Its like your local "water pipe" shop saying that everything they sell will only be used with "tobacco". Get my drift here?

Open Source is always the Gateway to Running Pirated Software.. but not Because its the Reason for doing it.. But Because it is a Side effect of it.

lets think of it like this >>>

Just Cause you leave your front door open Doesn't mean its ok for someone to rob you.

We are the generation that was the beta tester for all the money that they make now.


And yet We are treated as nothing more then a Statistic.. We are nothing more But bullets For These companies to use against each other in order to gain momentum in the market and industries.

Millions and billions of Dollars.. Money that Would Help Fix our country Faster then obama would be reelected.
Go through the hands of these Companies each year.. With Each year being more and more successsful.

yet they Complain about piracy when they cant even really put there finger on how Much they really lose to it?

You might ask Your self this...

If a company that is so amazing that they can come up with all the amazing things that we yearly and willingly purchase each time, can do all this and then some... Why cant they put a stop to piracy??

And This is where this Blog comes into Play.

After Two Straight years of Doing research in and around the Scene as Well as over 12 years Of internet Evolution Experience

We will bring to you the FInal answer As to why "Piracy" Is so bad.... but The Truth is nothing you will Ever have imagined

Sit Back and Stay a while We Are now Online

What Do you think ?

Until Next time when we will Touch up on the biggest lie Ever told in The industry:

Under standing Why Open Source isnt so open

There is a term that I have found to be repeated over and over again the world of mobile devices..

open platform.. open Source...

Who has it .. .Who allows it .. and what it means to you .. the consumer... The user level .>>>

Lets face it ... no matter what fancy alien Words might be used to describe open Source it narrows down to this.

Companies such as apple for Example,Release there iphone With what has now been called "Closed restricted platform:.

meaning that only programs (apps) that Apple sees Fit are approved to be released which in Return allows you To download and buy them from the app store.

and yes there are some great Free apps on the appstore but lets Face it Why not have even more of a choice? (open Source?)

Why Should What We want be picked by a Company?

after all We paid money that we worked For to be able to call this device our own correct?

There are Many Reason that some would argue in saying that this Allows the apps to always be "top notch" since they are "hand picked" by apple.

But lets stop and look at it from The Vintendo Point of view...

This is what i would call the biggest "catch 22" Ever created in the history of electronics..

As most of you might know there is something that can be done to all iphones Called "Jailbreaking"

This Simple process allows for you the end user to take full control of the iphone and allow it to run in addition to the 150k apps on the appstore and additional 50k plus apps on what is Known as "Cydia".

Lets Put it like this ... Cyida Is the "open source" version of the app store.

The only major difference here is that Apple has no control at all Over What is on there.

You Will Find that there are apps that will enable features on your phone that you always wondered why they Were not enabled in the First place. as well as thousands of different themes that will fully make The iphone into a custom original personal device.

Some of the features on here such as picture messaging was released months and months before apple ever pushed there newer 3g model with MMS.

With Each update that apple releases They attempt to stop the installation of Such software on to the iphone.

It Has Come to be known As "The cat and mouse Game" online.

With Each Exploit that is patched the So-called "dev" Team Exploits another way to execute What they call "jailbreak". Which in Returns allows them To run "open source". (cydia)

ok So Are you still With me here??

So you:

Plug your iphone into your Computer..

Run Software that "jailbreaks" The iphone.

Iphone now Runs "open source" Software. And Cydia becomes Your New "appstore".

So With that said ..

Who Wants to "jailbreak" there iphone?

Do you feel that After you have Paid for something that it is your right to be able to use it in whatever way you feel to?

Of course there are plenty Of negative aspects of this such as being able to run pirated apps on your i-devices...

but the real thing here is

Who should be making that choice... You .. or a company?

With these Devices now having become "standard" in life. being that ist in our homes..

We need to be aware and to make sure that these machines don't become a way for companies to feed us exactly what they want and then drain us of our hard earned money every few months for "upgrades" that are barely cosmetic...

Anyone care to chime in with there 2 cents?

The whole "piracy" is the biggest front since a mafia run deli shop...

yeah its there.. yeah its a problem .. but it also brings in ALOT of money "under the table" For alot of these companies.

Over the next months we will bring you into the under ground world of "Modding & Hacking".

Some Facts that you never knew existed As well As a few things we found shocking in this "war against piracy". and What the "real" meaning of "copyright" really is.

Welcome To The internet. We know you'll come back real Soon.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The way things are and The Things Will always Be

I thought I would take the time to open topic on something that has been boggling me lately...

Has All instances of "customer satisfaction" gone out the window?

Am I a Dying breed of people that feel that the money we work for should be worth something in this world ?

Many of you might know that I work in the "gadget" industry and not to toot my own whistle but I press a mean space bar. ;)

The on going trend that I have been seeing over the past 5-6 years is a lack of support and product quality.

Seems to me that things are very temperamental now adays. And this expands much farther then just these electronic toys we use as a past time activity.

Everything from Cell phones to cable To gas..

We have been molded to believe that everything costs alot of money and with out the latest your left out of a ever so fast evolving world.

I dont know a single person that has not had a problem with some of the new "toys" on the market today ..

all the way from Iphones.. To xbox 360' Tvs and laptops and computers..

Seems that now adays something barely makes it to the next upgrade release.

These companies profit from having something built to sub standards.

After all I know that I cant be the only one that still has a working original Nintendo?

Over the past 2 years me and my business Partners have Been Looking into this whole picture and it has Lead us on the most interesting travels around the world and back ( mostly on the internet of course hah)

and after a long time of thinking about it. I have decided that i will be posting all of our findings that Touch on as many subjects as:

piracy. and How Some top companies make it seem That they are against it but at the same time no one seems to make sure they attempt to stop it as much as your lead to believe.

We Will also touch up on Such things as how and where you can Find your local "Piracy Pharmacy" where you can find not only a way to obtain Copyrighted materials but how and why People are getting away with it by the hundreds and thousands each day.

The following companies that we will be talk about are apple and Microsoft as well as craigslist.

we will disclose all the Info and Attempts we have made to gain the best possible information that we Could get.
along With Recordings and multimedia presentations as Proof that we have tried To make right. but it just seems like no one cares ..

so now I ask join me My friends. in What will be some rather interesting piece of blogging for your mind.

sit back and enjoy your Internet Coffee for Your mind.

im going hungry

Amazing that memories fill nothing more then space now a-days.

What was once a pile of photos,Stored away In the corner of our lives. Is now nothing more then a few icons on our Screens.

Recalling A Time when Things were as simple as passing a note and hoping it would get where it was going.
Anyone remember what it was like the first time you saw a beeper?

The concept was rather simple..

whistle and i'll come inside.

Its an amazing world in which we live where we Can make each and every single moment a memory.
being able to look back and see key points in our lives.

A time when everything was free and the world was there For the Taking.

I Can Still Remember The first Time That I Held hands and Fell in love.
and Recall the many times that I have chased it over the years.

In times where Facebook is like going for a walk in the Largest mall in the whole world.
Its Great to stop and think that we might have passed each other thousands of times before in this life.
but it Took A machine to connect The Dots .

We need to all stop and Remember that the best thing From these machines are the people sitting behind them.
These "Electronic" life business Cards as I like to call it..

are the stepping stones of Time travel.

we the People have minds and There For use them to power These machines to a level that is almost god like.
we Dont Give up and We never stop trying.

our generation consists of "First times"

Some might see us as the guinea pigs, but we are The ones that set the Example

In hopes that everyone would Follow

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I hold With Me this Name

Time lends us more then we can ever ask for.
Pure Beauty lives in the hearts of the innocent.
Search for the faceless answer that we used to call "Today"

Im blind. yet I choose to see with just more then my eyes.
Tone deaf falls on the ears Of The ones that decide to not listen.
I am. There For I will always be. i only fail when it comes to losing.

We think there for We can be Anything.
Pick and share The Wealth That Can only come From a life time of journeys.
Inside The Chapters awaits a story written on blank pages.

Electronic porno induced fantasy
brings us from one day to the next.
One voice.. One Choice.. One love

This battle Was never ours To understand Anyway