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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The road to open source, Surrounded By Pirates of the Cyber Sea...

So let break Down what we have blogged so far..

"Open source"

its Choice being made by everyone and not just the company that has produced the Device.

So now that we Know what it is ... what does it matter to you might you say ?

Well lets start from where this all Started from... The iphone.

Seems that with the jailbreak scene and efforts that it has gained a mainstream in the media. but At a certain price.


The one thing that no matter what has also become mainstream. The Word "hack" has now come to be known as meaning "you can play copied,burned games on it" or lets call it by what its better known as "FREE"

Its almost the same feeling as knowing someone that knows someone that can get you a scrambler box in the 80s...

Its the thrill of knowing that your getting alot more with out paying.... its Well how can we put it ... ILLEGAL AND WRONG.

now I beg to differ. If I was not going to watch the the it....anyway... how did they lose Money that they never had to begin with.

This is the first Catch 22 the media and the industries are leading you to believe.

By Saying that EACH person that used pirated software was a lose in sales... is just like giving them the right to make things look DOUBLE bad.

If These companies never had the sale to being with.. how are they losing money.. The RIAA and MPAA have never and will never have an ACCURATE way to determine how much they lose to piracy each year.

Its a guess. and yours is as good as mine..

now dont get me wrong here. I am in no way saying that you should go out and pirate Everything in the world. but The only way to See if you like something is if you try it first.

But lets not kid our selfs here.. Its like your local "water pipe" shop saying that everything they sell will only be used with "tobacco". Get my drift here?

Open Source is always the Gateway to Running Pirated Software.. but not Because its the Reason for doing it.. But Because it is a Side effect of it.

lets think of it like this >>>

Just Cause you leave your front door open Doesn't mean its ok for someone to rob you.

We are the generation that was the beta tester for all the money that they make now.


And yet We are treated as nothing more then a Statistic.. We are nothing more But bullets For These companies to use against each other in order to gain momentum in the market and industries.

Millions and billions of Dollars.. Money that Would Help Fix our country Faster then obama would be reelected.
Go through the hands of these Companies each year.. With Each year being more and more successsful.

yet they Complain about piracy when they cant even really put there finger on how Much they really lose to it?

You might ask Your self this...

If a company that is so amazing that they can come up with all the amazing things that we yearly and willingly purchase each time, can do all this and then some... Why cant they put a stop to piracy??

And This is where this Blog comes into Play.

After Two Straight years of Doing research in and around the Scene as Well as over 12 years Of internet Evolution Experience

We will bring to you the FInal answer As to why "Piracy" Is so bad.... but The Truth is nothing you will Ever have imagined

Sit Back and Stay a while We Are now Online

What Do you think ?

Until Next time when we will Touch up on the biggest lie Ever told in The industry:

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